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What to Do if Your Garage Door Cable Breaks

Steel cables are a common component in many garage doors, typically as lift cables for automatic garage doors or as retention cables to prevent extension springs from launching across the garage if they break. With years of friction, corrosion and wear, these cables can eventually fray and snap, leaving your garage door inoperable or stuck. If this happens to your garage door, here are a few tips to help you stay safe while taking care of the problem.

How Garage Door Cables Operate

There are two primary types of garage door cables, each made from stranded galvanized wire that is designed to resist corrosion:

  • Lift cables connect at the bottom corners of each door and are retracted by a torsion spring to lift the door open.
  • Retention cables are threaded through the center of each tension spring, effectively securing each half of the spring if it breaks.

It is a good idea to inspect the cables periodically, but be careful. When steel cables are under tension, they can be dangerous. If you notice fraying, abraded areas, or other damage, do not risk handling the door, especially if the cables are stretched tight. Call a professional as soon as possible for assistance.

At Overhead Door Company of Muncie, we are available 24/7 for garage door repairs and emergency service. Call us at 765-587-1444 or contact us online to schedule an appointment today.

What to Do If a Cable Breaks

A broken garage door cable can allow the weight of the door to shift towards the remaining cable. If the door is in the wrong position, this can put extreme loads on that cable, making it quite dangerous. Avoid using the door if possible, and call for garage door repairs right away.

If the garage door absolutely must be closed, the remaining cable can be carefully cut, though it is far better to call a professional for help. If you do cut the cable, make sure that the door’s weight is fully supported or that you have help available to lower the door carefully.

Garage doors are quite heavy. At Overhead Door Company of Muncie, we don’t recommend handling a door with a broken cable. Our team is available 24 hours a day for emergency garage door repair, and we would be happy to help you take care of the problem safely.

Call us today at 765-587-1444 or contact us online to request garage door repairs anywhere in Muncie, IN, or the surrounding communities.

Why Call a Professional for Garage Door Repairs

Repairing a garage door is not something that the average homeowner should attempt. Not only is the garage door extremely heavy, but there are plenty of pinch points and the cables and springs can be under enormous amounts of tension. This is a recipe for serious injures, so it is always best to call a professional who has the appropriate tools and experience to get the job done safely.

Garage Door Repair in Muncie, IN

With over 90 years of service in Muncie, Albany, Elmwood, New Castle and the surrounding areas, you can count on our team at Overhead Door Company of Muncie for high-quality, professional garage door repairs. Whether you have a broken cable, faulty door opener or misaligned door, we can help. We offer top-quality products, superior service and outstanding value.

Call us today at 765-587-1444 or contact us online to schedule garage door repairs in Muncie, IN today!

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